Maps and places

The growing number of maps on the web makes it possible to locate placenames in your ancestry, and to give a geographical overview of the environments. I myself have compiled some maps in the resources section of my site. Others are listed hereunder.

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Maps on the Hungarian part of the Web
This is the server of the Department of Cartography at Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. Besides their on-site collection, webmaster also collects links to maps in the Hungarian part of the web.
Magyarország autótérképe = Road map of Hungary
Searchable database of Hungarian settlements. Data were digitized from an 1:500,000 scale map. Brought to you by Department of Cartography at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia vármegyéi a XX. szd. elején
Highly detailed maps of Hungary's counties around 1900. Large jpg-s.
MapQuest can generate maps on-the-fly for you. Their database includes not only towns, but well-sized villages, too. Once you know the accurate name what you are looking for, type it in and see if MapQuest can find it. If you do not know the actual name, try for searching of a nearby town, and then zoom in.
Microsoft Expedia Maps
Microsoft's solution for map-seekers.
JewishGen ShtetlSeeker
The Geographic Names Database (GNDB) by DMA serves as the basic database for finding places with the help of ShtetlSeeker. ShtetlSeeker is more than this because its searching system incorporates the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex system for alternative spellings.
Magyarország térképeken
A wide selection of Hungarian maps: some cover the entire country, others depict individual counties. Two series of county maps, the one around 1800 is really detailed.
Hungarian maps and shields
The historical archive at Mississippi State University has a nice collection of historical maps pertaining to Hungary.
Erdély, Magyarország és Románia útvonal programja - Kiút 3.0
This is a computer program in Hungarian - Romanian - German, running under either DOS or Windows 3.1. Version 4 runs under Windows 95. With the vectorized routes of Hungary and Romania it is aimed at calculating shortest distance between two towns. Since it lists place names of Transylvania in the three above-mentioned languages, it can be utilized by the family history researcher to find those names and to display them on a map. This URL points to the French mirror site of the program. If you can not manage with Hungarian, Romanian or German languages, you should visit Tibor Majlath's page, who prepared an excellent English guide to the program.
Ukrainian Road Map Server: Coordinate A05
The road map of the Ukraine is displayed here. The Transcarpathian part of the Ukraine belonged to Austria-Hungary before 1920. Unfortunately, placenames are in Cyrillic script.
Ethnic map of Transcarpathia
This map is based on the 1989 census. Published by the Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (Budapest, Hungary).
The largest Hungarian communities in Slovakia
This map is based on the 1991 census. Served by the Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad (Budapest, Hungary).